(May 26, 2020) — Recognizing the impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on their final years on the diamond, the York Revolution announced today it is inviting area high school senior baseball and softball players to play in the Class of 2020 Baseball and Softball Invitationals at PeoplesBank Park this summer.

While dates will depend on the easing of restrictions on organized sports and other regulations, team officials described the invitationals as separate days at the ballpark for Class of 2020 baseball and softball players, respectively. The team has created an online pre-registration form to gauge the interest of seniors and will use their responses to craft the pick-up style series of games for each event, one for baseball and one for softball. The form can be found here.

“We know very well how special it is to be on a team and playing on a diamond, and our hearts go out to the many athletes in the area whose final seasons have been shortened by the pandemic,” said Revolution President Eric Menzer. “Like so many of their friends and family members, we want to see these athletes in their school uniforms enjoying their sports and showcasing all the hard work they put into what should have been a great finish to their high school careers. So, when it’s safe to do so, we will welcome them into the spotlight at PeoplesBank Park.”

Menzer said the team is considering dates in mid- to late-July for the games and will further shape the events based on the feedback of area seniors. The current concept is to form teams joining seniors from all the YAIAA high schools, under the leadership of a group of high school coaches. He stressed, however, that the events will be kept as flexible as possible to ensure the safety of all participants.

“When this is behind us, our entire community will find many ways to make up for lost time and delayed celebrations, including those for area seniors,” Menzer said. “But we’ll do this safely and smartly. We have had great feedback from various high school athletic directors and coaches when we contacted them about the idea. We’ll put the invitation out now, pencil in some dates and names, and make this happen as soon as it is safe to do so.”

The Revolution will announce additional details regarding the invitationals as they become confirmed.