(March 24, 2021, York, Pa.) — PeoplesBank Park and the York Revolution announced today their partners at Shipley Energy have completed installation of the iWave Air Purifier on the skybox level of PeoplesBank Park.


iWave uses patented technology, called needle-point bi-polar ionization, to create equal amounts of positive and negative ions. When these ions are injected into the air stream, they break down passing pollutants and gases into harmless compounds like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor. Installed in the HVAC ducts of the 1741 Club presented by UPMC, the centerpiece of the ballpark’s second floor, the iWave will now ensure that guests enjoying skybox-level hospitality spaces year-round have increased protection from allergens, mold, bacteria, and viruses – including COVID-19.


“We know that the comfort level of our fans, 1741 Club members, and the people who rent our indoor hospitality spaces absolutely depends on knowing we have done all we can to eliminate the cause of the pandemic that has touched us all,” said Revolution President Eric Menzer. “Installation of this technology goes a very long way in further guaranteeing PeoplesBank Park is a safe space to relax and conduct business.”


So how effective is this technology in eliminating COVID-19? In a test conducted by the independent, certified reference laboratory Innovative Bioanalysis, researchers installed iWave technology in an environment that simulated conditions in a commercial aircraft fuselage and then introduced SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) to that test area. The results were definitive – and quick. After 10 minutes, 84.2% of the virus had been inactivated. Just five minutes later, 92.6% of the virus had been inactivated. Thirty minutes after iWave had been activated, 99.4% of the COVID-19 virus had been inactivated.


“Trust us, we’re big on stats and numbers around this place,” Menzer added. “That kind of quantifiable results was exactly the kind of confidence we wanted to be able to offer both our visitors and, frankly, the employees working so hard to protect our guests.”


“We are thrilled to have further expanded our partnership with the Revolution through this project,” said Matt Sommer, President of Shipley Energy. “As the area’s leader in home comfort technology, we are pleased to have helped make members of our community more comfortable going back to a place known for stress-free family fun and quality accommodations. We’ve installed iWave throughout all of our Shipley Energy facilities and stand by all the benefits it will provide our colleagues at PeoplesBank Park and those they serve there.”