(June 18, 2020): With deep regret, Eventive, the event planning and production division of the York Revolution, announced today that the 2020 July4York event has been canceled due to concerns regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

“Our focus has always been on the community we serve. The safety of that community is among our highest priorities,” said York Revolution President Eric Menzer. “Given the ongoing public safety concerns regarding the pandemic and the restrictions established by the state to address those concerns, it is simply not possible to host our large public event this year. We are sorry we won’t be able to celebrate as a community in person, but we know our friends and neighbors will still mark the occasion in their own safe way – and in spirit we’ll be right there with each of them.”

Menzer added that the Revolution is extremely grateful to York Traditions Bank for its five years of support for July4York and that York Traditions officials assure him they look forward to celebrating with their community in the future.

“July4York will be back in 2021,” he added, “and bigger and better than ever.”